Hem Film & TV Het trailer: The Great Gatsby, Baz Luhrmanns nästa storfilm
great gatsby film 2013

Het trailer: The Great Gatsby, Baz Luhrmanns nästa storfilm

av senses.se

Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire, Joel Edgerton (Warrior) och Isla Fisher är alla stjärnnamn med i visuella mästaren Baz Luhrmanns (Moulin Rouge, Australia) adaptation av F Scott Fitzgeralds klassiska bok, The Great Gatsby (i 3D!)

Uppdatering: Efter en planerad premiär juldagen 2012, har Warner nu valt att senarelägga premiären till maj 2013. Anledningen till detta säger man är att man vill jobba vidare på effekterna.

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1 kommentar

admin maj 23, 2012 - 17:58

Reaktionerna på trailern på nätet är dock inte översvallande, här är ett axplock från dagens Vanity Fair:

“Gatsby trailer looks more Las Vegas commercial romance than West Egg decadence and tragically hollow love story. #disappointed”

“Voulez-vous barfez avec moi, ce barf? Moulin Rouge!”

“I had no idea they had autotune back in 1922.”

“Who put this trailer together, Michael Bay? Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. Slow it down and get rid of the cheesy music so we can get a true feel for the movie, unless this is the true feel of the movie.”

“Really, who watched The Cider House Rules and thought, ‘I want Toby Maguire to narrate my movie.’”

“I think if Baz had just done an Art Deco musical, I’d be all over it. Jesus, though, he completely changed the tone of the book.”
There should be warnings of ‘excessive creative license’ or “loosely based on a plot and characters by F. Scott Fitzgerald’”
“Baz Luhrmann’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ is some meta joke from ‘Entourage,’ right?”

“if i could bleach my brain and pretend that this wasn’t based on one of the greatest novels of all time, maybe the movie would look good. except for the 3D part.”

“Good to see restraint coming on the part of the director. My god that looks horrendous. CGI green screens, 3-D and anachronistic pop music grafted onto Fitzgerald’s book = massive mess.”


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